Thursday, February 17, 2011

Throwback Thursday: The Mighty Ducks

Let me start by saying that "The Mighty Ducks" is probably the most influential and moving film of our generation! That being said, what the hell is Emilio Estevez wearing? Really? A denim collared shirt and khaki pants? You could have at least worn a belt! No wonder Charlie Sheen is doing so much better than you!

What I really enjoy is the fact the kids are all supposed to be pressing their faces against the glass and making funny faces. Too bad that's the fakest looking glass effect I've ever seen. Haven't these people ever heard of Photoshop? They had to of in order to do those shitty effects on the kids faces to make them all look like deformed pig monsters!

Luckily this film is also available on LaserDisc so there's that!

And now for a special treat, here's the Canadian version of the poster!!!!! fdjafhadsjlfhaslhflad!!!!!
Wait a minute! Emilio wasn't holding that hockey stick before! What the hell's going on? I'm guessing the marketers wanted to make absolutely sure Canadian moviegoers knew this film was about hockey so they added the stick. They also added the quote at the top about "Going into Overtime" which just further supports my claim. I guess the real question is "Is that really even Emilio Estevez's hand?" The world may never know!

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