Sunday, February 6, 2011

No Strings Attached!

Can Sex Friends stay Best Friends? I'm guessing we'll find out in this new romantic comedy which is seemingly geared at tricking men into thinking that it's not a romantic comedy at all but a movie about how you can bang Natalie Portman without actually having to date her.

We can tell from this poster that these two just had sex but are smiling at each other afterward meaning they are still best friends. Because people who aren't best friends but have sex never smile at each other. In fact, they usually scowl or frown after.

What I don't get from this poster is why Ashton Kutcher would want to be friends with Natalie Portman's character in the first place. Sure, she's hot and would make a swell sex friend but best friend? No Dice.

Here's why: She's also obviously a boring nerd! I mean, there's a stack of hardcover books laying right beside her bed. They look like they're from the 1800's. Who even has a book case like that in their bedroom? Someone who has no friends! That's who!

This movie would be great if at the end Ashton Kutcher is like "Sorry Natalie Portman but I haven't fallen in love with you but will still have sex with you if you want." Unfortunately, this movie has all the signs of a more predictable ending where they fall in love and everyone's happy in the end. How Romantic!

1 comment:

  1. I just enjoy how much they enjoy getting dressed after sex. People don't have nearly enough post-coital etiquette. This poster could double as a middle-school educational poster.

    "A condom during play equals after-sex HURRAY!"
