Wednesday, February 16, 2011


I have to admit I was a little disappointed when I found out this wasn't a live action version of "Arthur the Anteater" but I'll still hold on to the hope that one day my dream will become a reality!

One thing I noticed right away is that this poster has 2 taglines! I'm guessing what had happened was there was a fight between two execs as to what the tagline should be and they couldn't decide so they just put both.

The first: "Meet the world's ONLY loveable billionaire." will make people say "Hey, all the billionaires I know are a-holes. I'd wouldn't mind paying 15 dollars at the Arclight to see a story about a "loveable" one!"

The second: "No Work. All Play." makes people say "I hate work but I love play. If this film is only about play then count me in!"

If Arthur is such a billionaire then why does he have the shittiest toys in the world! I mean, if I was that rich I wouldn't have little robots, I'd have life size ones that danced and told jokes. I would also have a dinosaur that I'd ride around the town. Add giant robots and a ride-able T-rex and I'll be first in line to see this film!

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